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Course Details

Business Analyst Course

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Welcome to Business Analyst's Certification Course

Software Executive Program

This course provides a complete overview and understanding about how a aspirant needs to look at IT industry, how to orient towards IT adoption and business process standardization. Basics of business Communication, Soft Skills and Project management are also covered in this course.


Learning Outcomes

Target Audience

Course Curriculum in Business Analyst Certification Course

The most important eligibility for this course is interest! please take this course if you are interested and committed to learn Business Analyst related functions. The course academic eligibility is further defined in Question 5.

  • It gives an overall understanding of business process definition.
  • Understanding of IT platform and structure.
  • How to define a business solution using this learning
  • Project management to work better.
  • Basic elements of business communication and soft skills.
  • A common group of like minded people.

Business Analyst is like a foundation for the career, it can open up a lot of options into IT and Non-IT sectors. Multiple profiles like users, consultants, business analysts, support and project management careers. Please refer to program summary video for more reference.

Anyone who wishes to understand the business world well, relate it to IT concepts and learn to build processes and eventually wants to optimize it can consider business analyst as a good choice.

As part of the course , you can download for access and refer the course outline video transcripts and EDMs. You can also download the dump of transcripts and presentation every week. Please note this is for your use and not for sharing /publication without prior permission from Arsccom learning administrators.



Anand Murali




Seasoned IT professional with 16 years' experience in ERP implementation and Business Analytics consulting across various industries. Skilled in data analysis, decision-making, and empowering clients' success as a dedicated business consultant and career coach.

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